Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bell House Rocks, kind of...

We took Nate to "Bell House Rocks" this Saturday. The rock club in Gowanus wants to use their space "for a place that kids (and parents) can get their ya-yas out without freezing off their hiney butts."

It is 10 bucks per walking human, but they let us in for 20 for the three uo us, seeing as they thought Nate couldn't walk much. They couldn't have been more wrong. After a bit of anxiety for the first 10 minutes, Nate was running pell mell, at a parent-exhausting pace. This usually wouldn't be a problem, but Bell House poses a few dilemmas for toddlers.

One, there was a jumpy castle, which is great for young children, but toddlers are definitely too small for it yet are drawn to it like a moth to flame. And with the larger children bouncing out of it like ball in a pachinko machine, it posed a definite hazard for Nate.

Two, the space is bi-level. Now, 3 steps do not seem like much, but for a boy who can climb up steps with ease, but has a complete inability to climb down steps, or even realize they are there, it is a disaster waiting to happen.

That said, the band was fun and the juice boxes were free. Perhaps when Nathaniel is a bit older we'll come back, but until then, I going to have to pass on "Bell House Gives Dad agita."

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